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Why Stormforge?

Stormforge offers a unique gaming experience with high-quality servers and active community support.

Can I use my Tauri/Atlantiss accounts to play on Stormforge?

No, you will have to create a new account directly on Stormforge

What will happen to the existing Tauri/Atlantiss realms?

Existing realms will continue to operate as normal under the new Stormforge banner.

Will I be able to purchase gear for my characters, e.g. Shadowmourne?

Details about the shop and available items will be announced soon.

My activation mail hasn't arrived. What should I do?

Please check your spam folder. If you still haven't received it, you can request a new activation email from your account panel.

Is multiboxing allowed?

No, multiboxing is not allowed on our servers.

I have a problem. Where should I look for help?

You can seek help through our support system or visit our community forums.

I have found a bug in-game. Where can I report it?

You can report bugs through our bug tracker system on the website.